The Woke/PC City of Sidney

#Racism NOT Welcome

Racism not Welcome

Racism NOT welcome? Really? And here I was thinking that it WAS welcome. Silly me. I need signs to tell me, to remind me, that racism is not welcome. Thank you nameless bureaucrats, I appreciate it. And thanks for making the sign a nice, bright red color so it won’t escape my notice. Backward, ignorant folk like me need things spelled out for them in big, bright signage so we don’t miss it. Whosever idea it was to put up that sign, I thank them from the bottom of my plebian heart. The sheer brilliance, the amount of thought and depth of feeling devoted to this issue is profound. Truly remarkable. You are the best and the brightest. You’re better than me.

In That Case, Give it Back

Gadigal Country is Sydney

If these lands are traditional lands where important cultural practices, significant historical connections, where ceremonial and traditional trading occurred then give it back to them. Just give it back. I mean if this prime Sidney real estate is that important then how dare you keep it. If I were a Gadigal Elder, I would not be satisfied with this lip/sign service. I would not consider this lame signage as respect. I would be offended.

Some day we might see signage that looks like this:

Welcome to fill in the blank with Canada, Australia, any Western European country and the US after 4 more years of Biden. We pay respect to all Australian, Canadian, French, English, German, American, etc. Elders, Traditional Custodians and Second Nations people of these lands. We acknowledge the important cultural practices, significant historical connection, ceremonial and traditional trade grounds.

Only, I don’t think we’ll be that lucky.

A Whole Month

Pride month flags

Why do the LGBTQIA+ people get a whole month, and our war veterans only get one day?

Categories: Sydney, Australia


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