Smokey Moorea


They were burning something on the island of Moorea the day we arrived. Our goal was to rent e-bikes and ride around the island for the day. However, when I saw the narrow, winding mountain roads I changed my mind.


When looked at from afar, Moorea has been referred to as a sleeping dinosaur or, in Captain Cook’s time, a castle with spires and turrets.

Moe on ferry

Eat While Hiding or Moorea

yellow lizard on Tahiti

This island was originally called Aimeho meaning “eat while hiding”. When warfare broke out between the clans, warriors would flee to Moorea and hide there until things settled down. Then one day a spiritual advisor discovered a yellow lizard or “moorea” on the island and the name of the island was changed.

I found one of these guys lurking in my bathroom on Bora Bora. He looks like a guy who wanted to date me once. Can you see the lovesick cast in his eyes? Incredibly, they named a whole island in honor of something like this. However, I will say that Geckos do have one saving grace that places them above their fellow lizards. Unlike anoles, they do not eat each other unless pressed to do so. Good for you, Geckos!

Eating While on Moorea

What do you do when you have a few hours to kill until your ferry takes you back to Tahiti? Feed the natives, of course. I went to the corner store and bought two large cans of dog food.

Unfortunately, this guy, who needed it the most, kept missing out on the food. We finally managed to feed him a little bit before we got back on the ferry.

Corner Store in Moorea
Corner Store
Playing Game on Moorea
Playing a game across the street from the store. In the background, you can see Tahiti.
Donations Box
At the Ferry

This attempt to care for the poor animals on Moorea warmed the cockles of my heart. But, I feel better if I can feed the dogs myself.

Pro-Life Film on the Ferry?

Film on Ferry from Tahiti to Moorea

“No doubt it was thought that this thing could not feel pain having no consciousness yet.” Translation of the above French subtitles. Our entertainment sailing back to Tahiti.

One Last Look

View of Moo’rea from the airport on Tahiti.

Moorea from the airport on Tahiti
Categories: French Polynesia


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