Continuing on to Venice Beach
Beach props.
Body on the Beach
Right behind the body, on the beach, you can see the historic luxury hotel Casa del Mar. It belongs to a small group of the finest seaside hotels in California.
British expat maybe?
Empty Lot Full of Pig Faces
Now here’s a rarity: an empty lot. Was someone murdered in the house that used to stand here and they had to raze it down out of respect for the victims? I wonder. And yet, it’s not really empty, is it? Nature abhors a vacuum, so she has filled it with Carpobrotus edulis also known as Pig Face or Ice Plant. (I don’t know how they came up with “pig face”. I don’t see it. Unless the story went like this: A woman found out her husband was cheating and just happened to be standing on the beach with all these plants and suddenly in a fit of rage grabbed a bunch and flung them in his face yelling, “Pig Face!!” That would make sense.)
Carpo means fruit and brotus means edible. This invasive species, originally from South Africa, hides the Cape Cobra, which eats unsuspecting rodents attracted to the sweet fruit. This plant has invaded coastal areas all around the world, not just California. It is pretty though.