Urinal Blues

As I already mentioned, a curious thing about restaurant restrooms in France is this: when you walk in you are immediately presented with a urinal.

Photo by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash

Then you see that there are two doors to two cubicles. One is marked women, the other men. So, as a woman, I choose the corresponding door. But, whilst in there I kept thinking, “What if a man comes in to use the urinal?” “Must I wait in my cubicle until he is finished?” “What if I emerge from the cubicle while he is in midstream?” One is thrust onto the horns of a painful dilemma. Fortunately, I was not confronted with this scenario and, thus, avoided the horns. Maureen, however, was truly flummoxed by this floor plan.

Mont Saint Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Seriously? Is there any doubt in your mind? Not only is it, but it made it onto the World Heritage Site list twice. Once in 1979 as “Mont Saint Michel and its Bay” and then again in 1998 as “Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago de Compostela in France.” It’s a real winner. Seriously.

The End my Friend

I asked Maureen what she thought was the highlight of our trip to Le Mont. She said it was the hot pizza vending machine. Our next generation. Is this the end of Western Civilization?

Maureen on our last day.
Categories: Europe


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