Tiger Dog on Motu

Manna on the Motu

This very handsome guy is the family’s dog. He had a white sister but one day she ran into the water when the captain was leaving on his boat. Unfortunately for her, a sting ray was also in the water. The ray stung and killed her. The man told me that dogs are good to have on the island in case people come who you don’t want to see. I agreed with him. I had 5 dogs and am now down to three. Again with the three.

Island Dog

We ate lunch at a picnic table in the water. Our hostess taught us how to make a plate with leaves.

Making a dish with leaves

Sitting with my feet in the water was so relaxing.

Meal on the Motu

Crumbs just fell into the sea. Goodbye crumbs.

picnic table in the water
Categories: French Polynesia


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